The tools you need to pass your exam the first time

Don’t make your exam preparation any harder than it has to be. HeyScrum Exam Preps have been used by over thousands of agilists from around the world to prepare for their exam. Follow in their footsteps… prepare with HeyScrum and then go pass your exam.

  • Gain confidence
  • Reduce study time
  • Balance job pressures and exam preparation
  • Learn to manage your exam time effectively
  • Learn effective test taking strategies
  • Be ready to take the exam

Read more about the benefits of taking practice exams here.

Up To Date Question Banks

The right questions for the right exams (at the right difficulty level) with in-depth explanations. Frequently validated against the latest exams.
Up To Date Question Bank
Instructor Support

Expert Support System

Agile and Scrum exam questions aren’t always easy. Our friendly instructors are here to provide support and promptly answer to any of your questions. Our experts know the exams, inside and out, and they did well on it. Really well.

Realistic Exam Environment

Take full simulated practice exams under the same environment and conditions as the real exam. You’ll leave nothing to chance, so nothing will throw you off on your big exam day.
Simulated Exam Environment
Mobile Friendly

Practice From Anywhere

Mobile friendly design enables you to effectively practice at anytime on any device with internet access.

$35 Exam Preps

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