Answering: “Who does the work to make sure Product Backlog items conform to the Definition of Done?”

Ensuring Product Backlog Items Conform to the Definition of Done

In Scrum, ensuring that Product Backlog items conform to the Definition of Done is a critical aspect of delivering high-quality Increments.

Exam Question

Who does the work to make sure Product Backlog items conform to the Definition of Done? (choose the best answer)

  • A. The Quality Assurance Team.
  • B. The Scrum Team.
  • C. The Scrum Master.
  • D. The Product Owner.
  • E. The Developers.

Correct Answer

E. The Developers.


Why E is Correct

E. The Developers:

In Scrum, the Developers are responsible for ensuring that all work completed during the Sprint meets the Definition of Done. This includes writing code, testing, and any other activities required to ensure that the Product Backlog items are fully finished and ready for potential release. By adhering to the Definition of Done, the Developers ensure the quality and completeness of each Increment.

Why A, B, C, and D are Incorrect

A. The Quality Assurance Team:

Scrum does not separate Quality Assurance from the rest of the development work. Quality is built into the process, and all Developers share the responsibility for it. There is no separate QA team in a cross-functional Scrum Team.

B. The Scrum Team:

While the Scrum Team collectively ensures that the Definition of Done is met, the actual work of meeting the Definition of Done is carried out by the Developers.

C. The Scrum Master:

The Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process and helps remove impediments but does not directly perform the work to ensure that Product Backlog items meet the Definition of Done.

D. The Product Owner:

The Product Owner is responsible for managing the Product Backlog and maximizing the value of the product but does not directly perform the work to ensure that items meet the Definition of Done.

Key Points

  • Quality Built-In: In Scrum, quality is built into the development process. The Developers ensure that all Product Backlog items meet the Definition of Done.
  • Shared Responsibility: All Developers share the responsibility for the quality of the Increment.
  • Definition of Done: The Definition of Done is a clear and concise list of requirements that must be met for a Product Backlog item to be considered complete.

Responsibilities in Scrum

  • Product Owner: Maximizes the value of the product by ensuring the Product Backlog is well-ordered and refined to the level needed.
  • Scrum Master: Coaches the team in Scrum practices, removes impediments, and facilitates team events to ensure productivity and adherence to Scrum principles.
  • Developers: Collaborate to complete all tasks necessary to deliver a potentially shippable Increment, including ensuring that all Product Backlog items meet the Definition of Done.

Relevance to the PSM I Exam

Understanding the responsibilities of the Developers in ensuring that Product Backlog items meet the Definition of Done is crucial for the PSM I exam. This knowledge emphasizes the importance of quality and completeness in Scrum.


In Scrum, the Developers are responsible for ensuring that Product Backlog items conform to the Definition of Done. This approach ensures that quality is built into the development process and that each Increment is complete and ready for potential release.

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