Answering: “A Scrum Team is seeking clarification on acceptance criteria, the concept of ready, and the Definition of Done.”

Understanding Acceptance Criteria, Definition of Ready, and Definition of Done in Scrum

In Scrum, the terms Acceptance Criteria, Definition of Ready, and Definition of Done are fundamental concepts that guide the development process. Understanding the differences between these three elements is essential for a Scrum Team to ensure clarity and alignment in their work.

Exam Question

A Scrum Team is seeking clarification on acceptance criteria, the concept of ready, and the Definition of Done.
You are the Scrum Master, explain the difference between these three elements.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Definition:
    Acceptance Criteria are specific conditions that a Product Backlog item must satisfy to be considered complete by the Product Owner and stakeholders. They define the boundaries of a user story or feature and outline what the team must implement for the Product Backlog item to be accepted.
  • Purpose:
    Acceptance Criteria ensure that the Developers understand the requirements and that there is a clear agreement on what needs to be delivered. They help prevent scope creep and misunderstandings by setting clear expectations.
  • Example:
    For a user story about a login feature, the Acceptance Criteria might include requirements such as “The user must be able to log in using their email and password” and “The system must display an error message if the login fails.”

Definition of Ready (DoR)

  • Definition:
    The Definition of Ready is a set of criteria that a Product Backlog item must meet before it can be considered ready to be worked on by the Developers. It ensures that the item is well-prepared, clearly defined, and actionable for the upcoming Sprint.
  • Purpose:
    The Definition of Ready helps the Scrum Team avoid starting work on items that are unclear or incomplete. It ensures that the team has all the information and resources needed to complete the work efficiently.
  • Example:
    A Product Backlog item might be considered ready if it has clear Acceptance Criteria, a detailed description, and all dependencies are identified and resolved.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • Definition:
    The Definition of Done is a shared understanding within the Scrum Team of what it means for a Product Backlog item or Increment to be complete. It includes all the necessary tasks such as coding, testing, documentation, and review that must be completed before the item can be considered done.
  • Purpose:
    The Definition of Done ensures that all completed work meets the quality standards and is fully integrated into the product. It provides transparency and ensures that the team delivers potentially shippable Increments at the end of each Sprint.
  • Example:
    The Definition of Done might include criteria such as “Code is peer-reviewed,” “All tests pass,” and “Documentation is updated.”

Key Differences

  • Acceptance Criteria: Focuses on the specific requirements of a Product Backlog item that must be met for it to be accepted.
  • Definition of Ready: Ensures that a Product Backlog item is well-prepared and ready to be worked on by the team.
  • Definition of Done: Defines the quality standards that a Product Backlog item or Increment must meet to be considered complete.

Relevance to the PSM III Exam

A deep understanding of Acceptance Criteria, Definition of Ready, and Definition of Done is crucial for advanced Scrum practitioners. These elements ensure that the team delivers high-quality work that meets stakeholder expectations.

Key Takeaways

  • Acceptance Criteria: Provides specific conditions that must be met for a Product Backlog item to be accepted.
  • Definition of Ready: Ensures that Product Backlog items are well-prepared and ready to be worked on.
  • Definition of Done: Defines the quality standards for completed work.


In Scrum, clarity around Acceptance Criteria, Definition of Ready, and Definition of Done is essential for delivering high-quality products. As a Scrum Master, it’s important to ensure that the team understands these concepts and uses them effectively to guide their work. For more insights into Scrum practices and to prepare for the PSM III exam, visit our Scrum Master PSM III™ Exam Prep.

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How To Pass PSM III Exam on the First Try

PSM III Exam Guide

The Professional Scrum Master III (PSM III) exam is a challenging assessment that requires a deep understanding of the Scrum framework and its application in real-world scenarios. In this article, we will discuss some tips and strategies that can help you pass the PSM III exam on your first attempt. Table of Contents Understanding the PSM III Exam Before diving into the tips and strategies, it’s important to understand the PSM III exam’s structure and format. The PSM III exam is an open-book, essay and multiple-choice assessment that tests your ability to apply the Scrum framework in complex situations. The exam consists of 24 essay questions, and you have 150 minutes to complete it. Scoring and Passing Unlike the multiple

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